You can edit the messages file using this setting in your config file. Plugin supports english by default, but you can add your custom language by adding messages_<tag>.yml file.
Enabled By Default
If this is set to true, then players do not need to manually activate features using the command. If this is set to false, then players must first activate features using the command /fplant.
Note! This DOES NOT override per-group settings. If player's group has canUse set to false, he still won't be able to use the features.
# Whether the features shall be enabled by default. If true,# players won't need to execute /fplant to enable the features.# This DOES NOT override per-group settings below. If player has no# permission, he won't be able to use the features even if this is set to true.enabledByDefault:true
Player Sapling Drop Delay (in seconds)
If the player drops the sapling. How many seconds afterwards plugin shall try to plant it? It is important, because if the sapling is not on the ground in time, it won't be planted.
# How many seconds after players drops sapling it shall try to plantplayerSaplingDropDelay:1
Live Sapling Drop Chance (in %)
Not all saplings will be replanted after leaf decays. You can customize the percentage chance of spawning "live sapling". Live sapling will try to plant if it hits the ground in time (you can set below).
# Only live saplings will be replanted when fallen from tree.# Chance in percent of spawning "live sapling" after single leaf decays.# Live saplings will be replanted if they hit the ground in amount of time (below)liveSaplingDropChance:5.0
Live Sapling Drop Check Time (in seconds)
When the "live sapling" is spawned, how many seconds it shall try to plant it? It will only be planted when the sapling is on the ground. It is recommended to set this to 20 seconds.
# For how many seconds shall the plugin check if the live sapling is on ground# Be careful, big numbers can affect server performance. Recommended is 20sliveSaplingDropCheckTime:20
Live Sapling Check Distance (in blocks)
Live saplings will be planted only if some player is nearby. You can customize the radius here.
# If no player is in this radius, it won't trigger the live sapling replantliveSaplingCheckDistance:15
You can configure almost everything in this section. All settings here are per-group, so you can limit one group and grant access to other groups.
To assing group to the player, grant him with permission:<name>
Note! Do NOT remove the default group!
Whether members of this group can use features of this plugin.
If you want saplings dropped by players be replanted or not.
List of worlds where saplings replant won't work.
List of worlds where crops replant won't work.
If this is set to true, the plugin will bypass all protection systems when trying to replant a sapling.
List of saplings which will be replanted. Non mentioned saplings will act as usual.
List of crops which will be replanted. Non mentioned crops will act as usual.
# It loads messages from "messages_<lang>.yml' file. You can copy the english file and rename it,# or you can just translate the english file and let this be.lang:en# Whether the features shall be enabled by default. If true,# players won't need to execute /fplant to enable the features.# This DOES NOT override per-group settings below. If player has no# permission, he won't be able to use the features even if this is set to true.enabledByDefault:true# How many seconds after players drops sapling it shall try to plantplayerSaplingDropDelay:1# Only live saplings will be replanted when fallen from tree.# Chance in percent of spawning "live sapling" after single leaf decays.# Live saplings will be replanted if they hit the ground in amount of time (below)liveSaplingDropChance:5.0# For how many seconds shall the plugin check if the live sapling is on ground# Be careful, big numbers can affect server performance. Recommended is 20sliveSaplingDropCheckTime:20# If no player is in this radius, it won't trigger the live sapling replantliveSaplingCheckDistance:15# Configurable groups. You can copy the whole section and rename the group to create# a new one. BE CAREFUL! DO NOT REMOVE DEFAULT GROUP!groups:# Default group - it is used when no other group is setdefault:# Whether this group can use features of this plugincanUse:true# Whether saplings dropped by player shall be replantedreplantPlayerSaplingDrops:true# Where saplings replant shall be disabled for this groupdisabledSaplingsWorld: - "bad_world"# Where crops replant shall be disabled for this groupdisabledCropsWorld: - "bad_world"# If set to true, protection system etc. will be bypassedbypassSaplingsPermissions:false# List of saplings which will be replanted. Put 'NONE' if you don't want anysaplings: - "NONE"# Whether only fully grown crops will be replantedfullyGrownCropsOnly:true# List of allowed tools while breaking crops. If player uses another tool, it won't trigger replant.# Use 'ALL' for every tool including hand. Use 'NONE' to disable crops replanting for this group.# If you want to include hand, you can use 'AIR'.allowedCropsTools: - "DIAMOND_HOE"# List of crops which will be replanted. Put 'NONE' if you don't want anycrops: - "WHEAT" - "NETHER_WART" - "CARROTS" - "BEETROOTS" - "POTATOES"vip:canUse:truereplantPlayerSaplingDrops:truedisabledSaplingsWorld: - "bad_world"disabledCropsWorld: - "bad_world"bypassSaplingsPermissions:falsesaplings: - "OAK_SAPLING" - "DARK_OAK_SAPLING" - "SPRUCE_SAPLING" - "BIRCH_SAPLING" - "JUNGLE_SAPLING" - "ACACIA_SAPLING"fullyGrownCropsOnly:trueallowedCropsTools: - "ALL"crops: - "WHEAT" - "NETHER_WART" - "CARROTS" - "BEETROOTS" - "POTATOES" - "BAMBOO" - "CACTUS" - "SUGAR_CANE" - "CHORUS_PLANT"