
List of all plugin's commands and subcommands.

Description & Arguments
Permission node

/dsend reload

Reloads the plugin.


/dsend send <message_name> [arguments] Example: /dsend send testmsg arg1 arg2

Sends the message named message_name with additional arguments. Example: Sends message testmsg with arguments arg1 and arg2

forestplant.use.<message_name> Note! General permission discordsender.use is also required!

/dsend send <message_name> [arguments] Example: /dsend sendPlaceholders apik007 testmsg arg1 arg2

Sends the message named message_name with additional arguments and also parses placeholders for the typed player. Example: Sends message testmsg with arguments arg1 and arg2d and replaces placeholders in the message for player apik007

forestplant.use.<message_name> Note! General permission discordsender.use is also required!

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