Tutorial & Examples
How does the plugin work?
Last updated
How does the plugin work?
Last updated
Firstly, you need to setup your Discord webhooks. Tutorial can be found here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks
You will need webhook URL in format: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXX/YYY
You can check the Installation page, where everything is described.
Look at config.yml page. You can preview your embedes here: https://autocode.com/tools/discord/embed-builder/.
Example: I defined full_example
message. It is used for Event announcements. Here is the result after sending this command: /dsend send full_example apik007 PvP#Spleef 15#minutes
In config.yml
looks like this:
This plugin is great with combination of other plugins! Do you want to announce the winner in crates? Just add one command to the rewards section.
Do you want eventers to be able to announce Events in advance? Just grant them with permissions: discordsender.use
and discordsender.use.<message_name>